Bonnie Phipps
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Reviews (Grownups)
Some of the liveliest and most imaginative autoharp picking we’ve heard.”
The autoharp can sound tedious and strummery in some hands, but Bonnie Phipps is all quicksilver charm and high flying picking, with vocals that are funny and tongue in cheek.”
Phipps has redefined the instrument as a virtuoso vehicle, introducing complex finger-picking techniques. . . .”
Bonnie Phipps unveiled a four-tune, virtuoso performance of absolute awe-striking, jaw-dropping mastery that would be difficult to recall in competition before.”
She blew me away with her choice of repertoire and creative arranging and in the process opened up a whole new horizon for what’s possible on autoharp.”
Frankly, I can’t imagine any autoharp player anywhere who won’t appreciate Bonnie’s version of "Malagueña" . . . It is a masterpiece by any standard and has already found a permanent place in MLAG contest lore.”
Hearing you perform, I thought your playing was some of the most Musical (with a capital M) on any instrument (let alone the autoharp) that I have heard.”